Email Jay Olson for a copy of the raw data described below. Average data for each card are also available.
vis.csv: Visibility
The Visibility data file has the following columns:
- snum: subject number.
- trial: trial number.
- subcond: main subcondition, showing the presence or absence of the target card.
- subsubcond: secondary subcondition, showing the target position group (beginning or end, meaning first or last half of possible positions).
- tcard: target card, from 0 (Ace of Spades) to 51 (King of Diamonds).
- tvalue: target card value, from 1 (Ace) to 13 (King).
- tsuit: target card suit, from 1 (Spades) to 4 (Diamonds).
- tpos: target card position in the stream.
- right: correctness of participant's choice (present or absent).
- rt: reaction time in milliseconds.
- tgame: reported time spent playing card games per day, in hours.
- tcomp: reported time spent using a computer per day, in hours.
- visdssnum: supersubject number for calculating grouped visibility d-prime values.
- viscssnum: supersubject number for calculating grouped visibility bias values.
- age, gender: the age and gender of the participant.
mem.csv: Memorability
The Memorability data file is analogous to the Visibility data, and has similar columns.
lik.csv: Likability
The Likability data file has fewer columns, and some changes:
- subcond: main subcondition, showing whether the trial compared different values or different suits.
- crank1: the card ranked first in the pair (i.e., preferred), from 0 to 51.
- crank1value, crank1suit: the value and suit of this card.
- crank2, crank2value, crank2suit: the card, value, and suit of the non-preferred card.
- right: whether the participant preferred the card on the right (versus left) side of the screen.
veracc.csv: Verbal Accessibility
The Verbal Accessibility was separate from the above three studies, and had fewer columns:
- card1: The card chosen when asked to "Name a playing card", from 0 to 51.
- card2: The card chosen when asked to "Name another card".
- card3: The card chosen when asked "And name another".
visacc.csv: Visual Accessibility
The Visual Accessibility data file has the same columns as the
Verbal Accessibility data.